Well, I guess I am due for an update seeing it has been 6 weeks since we took our 1st foster care placement! A lot has happened around our household since my last blog post in February.
David found a new job! God continues to provide for our family by giving him a job where he is home now every evening and most all weekends; previously his schedule shifted from week to week ranging from 7:00am – 10:00pm, Sunday through Saturday. So this new job is a definite blessing for us, and especially helpful with a kiddo in the home now.
As mentioned in my last post, we did complete our foster care training at the end of January, and in February we had our home inspections and then received our home license on March 11th. We received our 1st foster care placement call on Friday, March 14th. We did have to decline that placement due to scheduling conflicts – but we were shocked at how quickly we were contacted after our license was in place.
A few days later, it was mid-afternoon, and I was busy at work when I received a phone call from the child placement team – they have a sweet, toddler girl that needs placement. I took the information and told them I would need to contact my husband and would be in contact as soon as possible.
David and I went and picked up “Princess” as soon as we got off work that evening [first having to make a pit stop to get a car seat]. After picking her up, we went to dinner, and then another trip to the store to get some essentials for overnight and for daycare the next morning. Up to this point, I had been buying gender neutral items, unsure if we would be getting a boy or a girl, but having a little girl sitting in my shopping cart, I was having a tough time not buying pink, girly items. So, needless to say, if our next placement is a boy, I will need to go shopping again.
The last 6 weeks have been a blast!
We started off with a quiet, shy, little girl and now she has become more comfortable with us and is a happy, giggly girl who loves to dance, play with bubbles, be outside, and has a fascination with animals. She doesn’t communicate with words much {yet}, but over the last few weeks she has learned the sign language words for “eat,” “all done,” “more,” “please,” and “thank you.”
We don't know how long "Princess" will be in our lives - but we are using every moment to speak life, love, and encouragement to her! I am still amazed at the privilege we have to do that.
I know that there were several people that have mentioned to me about updating my blog and telling my "placement story" – sorry for the delay – my free evenings at home are now spent a lot differently keeping up with a toddler! :)