I'd love to share some of my favorite
time saving hacks. Now, take into consideration, the things that I do
may not work with your kids or the season of life your family is
currently, each one of us is different, and that's great. You have to
find what works for you.
So, here goes...
- Become a morning person, if you are not already one.
The basis of this is to complete, in
your day, what matters most, first, when there are little to no
distractions. If that seems completely impossible and you are a
night person through and through, then simply use the most of the
time that works best for you when there are minimal distractions or
interruptions. For me, that means getting up by 5:00am, most
mornings. Setting an alarm, not hitting snooze, and making it a
routine. When I get up early, and my husband is already gone to work
and the girls are still asleep, I am truly at the most peace I feel
all day – everything is quiet and calm. So, why not sit in peace
and quiet and focus on things that must get done when there are no
other distractions. By getting these things done at the very start of
the day, I have more attention to give to the girls. Also, I don't
like to wake up to my kids; I like to wake up for my kids – awake,
refreshed, and ready to pour into their lives.
For me, it looks like this:
- Husband leaves for work at 4:45. Alarm goes off at 5:00. GET UP.
- Go to the bathroom, wash my face. (This helps me feel awake and refreshed)
- Make a warm cup of coffee.
- Sit down with my Bible and have some quiet time with Jesus (this is what I truly need to get me through the day!)
- Scroll through my social media feeds.
- Make my to-do list for the day
- Tackle the most important task I have for the day – this could be work that needs to be done; responding to emails; menu planning; laundry, etc.
- If I still have time, before my girls awake, I will either do a home work out or use the time to read a book.
- Sleep is important – Make the most of it!
In order to complete number one, you
have to enough sleep. That means backwards planning – set a goal
for a time. Example: I want to be in bed by 10:00pm and wake up at
5:00am. That will give me seven hours of sleep. In order to be in bed
by 10pm, I need to have dinner ready by 6:00pm, have the kids in bed
by 8:30pm, relax with David from 8:30 – 9:30, do my bedtime routine
and wind down from 9:30 – 10:00.
- Get your kids on an early bedtime.
This takes some time and skill, but is
totally worthwhile. We all know that kids are different, some kids do
bedtime great and for others it can be a struggle. I have found that
the more kids are on a routine, the easier it will be for bedtime.
There is so much research and tips on bedtime routines - for us, we
typically watch a show as a family and then do pajamas, teeth
brushing, prayers, and lights out. I also wake my kids up by 7:30
each morning and only let them nap until 3:30 in the afternoon,
because I want them to be tired and ready for bed by 8:30. Whatever
your routine is, stick with it so that you know they'll be down at
the same time every night (we have some exceptions for church nights
and special occasions). Bedtime routine is very important for setting
the stage for the rest of your night and the next morning.
- Use Naps Wisely
I am still in the season of life where
2 out of 3 of my girls still nap in the afternoon and my oldest
enjoys quiet time activities during nap sessions. Nap time can be the
best time all day to get stuff done. But, it can also be the one time
you have a moment to sit and relax. So, the use of this time is up to
you! Right now, the girls are down for a nap and this post is being
written. If you have something that must get done, use nap time for
that. Most days, I use nap time to drink another cup of coffee, read
a book, or binge watch a show. If you need to work during nap time,
then work. If you need chill time during nap time, then chill.
- Don't let things pile up
This means dishes, laundry, mail, toys
on the floor, etc, etc, etc ,etc. I think nearly everyone has that
one chore that they just don't like doing. I am really good at
throwing laundry in – I am not a fan of folding and putting laundry
away. Chores don't have to be so bad if you tackle them little by
little throughout the day versus after a week (or couple weeks) of
letting them pile up. I complete one load of laundry a day. It works
well for me to collect all of the laundry at the end of the night,
after I put my girls to bed. This gives me time to wash it and place
it in the dryer before I go to bed. Then, in the morning, I bring the
laundry up and my goal is to have it folded by nap time, each day.
Doing it this way, only takes me 5 or 10 minutes to fold and put away
and isn't as intimidating as a mountain of clothes.
When we are done eating, my oldest
daughter does our dishes now, we immediately wash our plates and put
them in the dishwasher.
For us, we have taught our girls to
clean up after themselves when they play. Typically, we make them
clean up their toys and play areas before meals, before nap
time/bedtime, and before we leave the house. I believe this gives
them ownership and responsibility for their own things and rooms.
We also clean the kitchen and living
room every night before we go to bed (it's really not bad, because
the kids have already taken care of their things). It is so sweet to
wake up to a clean house!
By completing the tasks that seem
overwhelming little by little saves so much time and energy in the
long run. Little piles are a lot easier to conquer than big ones,
that's for sure.
- Don't let your car get out of control!
Why is it such work to bring stuff in
from the car? With three kiddos in and out of our van everyday, it is
crazy to me how easy a mess is created. Every time I come in from the
car, I always bring everything in with me. That includes shopping
trip bags, trash, restaurant to-go cups and bags – everything. I
also require my kids to do the same – you wanted to bring your
water bottle, baseball hat, hello kitty blanket, barbie doll, and
magic wand; you need to bring it all back in the house, even if it
takes you 3 trips. It is nice and refreshing, to me, to step into a
clean car.
- If you want to procrastinate – do a one minute task, instead.
I got this idea from a blog that I
follow, Small Notebook. If there is something that needs to get done
that will only take a minute, just do it. The small, itty bitty tasks
are the ones that tend to add up. Anytime you find yourself thinking
“I'll do that later” just do it now. It feels so good to get the
little things done. It only takes a minute, so just get it done. If
you let 10x1 minute tasks pile up, then 10 minutes can be a lot
harder to tackle. Here is a list of some of things the Small Notebook
suggested can be done in one minute.
- Wipe crumbs off the table and counter
- Take something to another room where it goes
- Empty a Trash Can
- Check the Toilet Paper Supply
- Wipe Spots off a Mirror
- Bring Empty Dishes back to the kitchen
- Swish a brush around the toilet bowl
- Hang the towels up off the floor
- Throw dirty clothes in the laundry basket
- Pick up Shoes and Put them Away
- Prioritize your daily tasks list with goals
I am a lister, through and through. I
make lists in my head for everything. I enjoy checking off checklist. So, for me, making a list of what I need to accomplish each day helps
me stay focused and on task. (I don't need to sit 20 minutes
scrolling through my Facebook feed, when I have menu planning that
needs to be done!)
What I've noticed is that just like in
creating a budget, there are things you want to get done and there
are things that you need to get done. When you are planning your day,
be sure to separate the wants from the needs. For me, I actually
write these things out, because it helps me stay focused instead of
things just floating around my head. I am also able to post my list
on the refrigerator or bulletin board, to be a constant reminder of
what I want to accomplish. I make a list of 5 things that I'd like
to get done. Next to three of the items, I draw a star. Those are the
things that must get done that day. That way, if I don't get all 5
things finished, I still feel accomplished because I was able to
complete the 3 most important items.
Doing this means, we have to plan out
our days, weeks, and months in advance. If there happens to be a week
that looks crazy busy, having a list written out will assist in
moving things around to find better balance.
- Automate where you can.
Like I said at the very beginning, time
is valuable and there are so many handy ways to save time! Some say
that time is money – and I believe it is completely true. We are
now more willing to pay others to do things we don't want to do,
simply to have more time with our family.
There is no shame in that – it is
perfectly okay!
Like I mentioned in my last post, I
use Walmart's grocery pick up service – it is wonderful! On the
days where we are out running errands, I plan a grocery pick up on
the way home! It saves time and it saves my sanity! :) Our family
also uses a lawn service. My husband works 50-60 hours a week, and so
when he is home, he doesn't want to spend 2 hours maintaining our
yard. Locally we use Grass Monkey Lawn Care. Dennis and his team do a
great job in mowing, edging, and taking care of weeds.
- Work out “baby sitter trade days” with family and friends.
Recently our community has grown
and we have been able to do this more and more – its been awesome!
We are always trying to save money where able, so we've worked out
with a few friends and family “sitter trade days.” We are all
busy in our own ways and we all need days to get stuff done with out
kids or even go out on a date with your significant other! Somebody
watches your kids for you, and in return, you watch their kids for
- Get ready early!
I always feel like I can get more done
when I feel awake and refreshed. This doesn't mean you have to be all
glammed up by 5:00am. This can look like you putting on gym clothes
and throwing your hair in a pony tail. But whatever you do, try to
wash your face, brush your teeth, and change out of your pajamas when
you get out of bed - you will feel a lot more productive!
- Plan meals ahead of time
In my previous post, I wrote about how
I do meal planning and grocery shopping for our family.
- Clean the bathroom while giving baths
Keep in mind, this tip is for those
with kiddos that are more independent in the tub. Our bathroom at
home is set up where I have a clear view of the tub, without being
far from them, while they are taking a bath. Since kids typically
like to play for a bit before being cleaned, take the moment to wipe
down the counters and toilet.
- Remember that everyday is brand new. You set the tone. Joy and new mercies come in the morning.
I don't share all these tips and tricks
for you to think I have everything all together. For me, writing
things down puts them into practice. If you are struggling with
juggling all the things in one day, pick a few things, try them, and
see if they work for you and your family!
But, hey, if they day turns the wrong
direction and nothing goes as planned, - remember - always, always,
always remember – joy comes in the morning. Give yourself grace,
lots and lots of grace. Each day is a fresh start!
Motherhood is hard, but God designed
you for this moment and this season. You got this!
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